A short drive away is a beautiful little spring creek, Trout Run Creek-located in
the middle of the Whitewater State Park. It was a lunch time, and the strong wind started to blow. It felt more like mid-summer than spring, and the fish were acting accordingly. I did not fish much earlier in the day and after a series of rapid casts with a BH nymph, I finally hooked a nice brown in a shaded riffle. It shot towards the shore and then straight upstream, throwing the hook. We continued upstream, exploring the wooded stretches. On the way back to the car, we located a bunch of smaller fish feeding on the surface, under the rocky wall. Amy deceived a couple of fish with tan coloured
Rabbit Foot Emerger. Those were Amy's first trout of the year.
The fishing was just getting better in the afternoon hours, but it was time to go. The area holds some incredible trout water and there will be plenty of chances to get acquainted with it later this year.
Hello Vladan!
It's nice to see that you are changing the way of writing a blog. I guess it will be much more popular when on English :)
Btw, dosao mi je jedan prijatelj iz Nisa u USA - Washington DC. U pitanju je okoreli musicar tako da sam ga uputio na tebe i da mu tvoju email adresu kako bi te pitao neke stvari i uopste se malo raspitao o tehnikama preko bare. Nadam se da nije problem!?
Btw, cestitke za Amy! :)
Hi Laza!
Yep, I decided (in 2007) to start writing in both English and Serbian, so the blog would become bi-lingual.
I think Amy is getting hooked on FF. ;-)
Laki mi je pomenuo pretpostavljam istog prijatelja koji se preselio u USA. Nema problema, pomoci cu koliko mogu.
Thanks for stopping by and regards!
hoces da se izlinkamo??
Vazi, link sam postavio.
Pozdrav od Vladana
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