Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last Week's Fly

Caribou & Elk Caddis
  • Body: Caribou hair (with under-fur)
  • Wing: Elk
  • Egg sack/hot butt: Green dubbing (optional)

As an afterthough, here 's another one, tied with caribou ...

Woodcock & Caribou Soft Hackle

  • Tail: Wood duck
  • Body: Caribou hair with under-fur
  • Hackle: Woodcock


Anonymous said...

I take it that the floating qualities of caribou underfur are excellent? I am familiar with caribou and have always combed the underfur out.

flyfishingunlimited said...

Hi tworod,

I like trout flies that can be tied quickly and was always a fan of deer-hair dubbing and the buggy look it provides, along with some flotation. With caribou, I just pull some hairs along with underfur, break and mix everything with fingers and dub on the thread. Works really well for emerger imitations...

Thank you for your visit and the comment! All my best,


Fly Daddy said...

Tako jednostavna i lepa,pretpostavljam da je i lovna. Takve najvise volim

flyfishingunlimited said...

Hvala na lepim recima... Nisam je skidao sa predveza od druge polovine aprila tokom velikih rojenja krznokrilaca. Nisam isao na pastrmku vec desetak dana, ali su ovde vec krenule svetle Hendrickson jednodnevke, tako da ovih dana riba verovatno njih radije uzima.